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Endeavour Academy

MacIntyre Academies

Eco-Schools Green Flag Award

Endeavour Academy was awarded their first Eco-Schools Green Flag Award in August 2022 and successfully renewed it with Merit in August 2023. 

What is the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award?

There are over 5000 schools participating in Eco-Schools and Endeavour are proud to be one of them working towards raising environmental knowledge while tackling local and national problems like litter and waste while working to create greener learning environments.

Schools are able to identify their own projects giving children and young people ownership over their own learning and making it inclusive to everyone.

Find out more at Eco Schools website

What we are working on at Endeavour

Students carried out the Eco-Schools environmental audit and the following focus areas were identified:

Litter - starting with the school playground students have been learning how to use the litter pickers and can now be seen collecting litter along the pathways and play areas around Barton making it a cleaner community for everyone.

Waste - students have been learning how to reuse items by washing crisp packets to be made into survival blankets for homeless people.  They created displays to promote Earth Day using litter collected around the community and are developing their knowledge of recycling during lessons and when preparing food in the school Hub.

Healthy Living - following the pandemic health and wellbeing have been top of Endeavour's agenda.  Students have enjoyed being able to get out into the local community for walks.  Horse riding, farm work experience and Duke of Edinburgh provide further opportunities to promote both mental and physical health.  Within school students start each day with a personalised sensory circuit and are encouraged to use the school gym equipment, participate in cricket, dance, yoga and swimming sessions or take a leisurely stroll in our sensory garden.  The horticulture area is a hive of activity as students help plant and care for a variety of fruits and vegetable as they learn about healthy food choices.