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Endeavour Academy

MacIntyre Academies

Attachment and Trauma Sensitive Schools Award (ATSSA)

Having achieved Bronze status, Endeavour is currently working towards achieving Silver status of the Attachment and Trauma Sensitive Schools Award accredited by Jennifer Nock Training and Consultancy.

What is the ATSSA Award?

The award aims to ensure that everyone working within Endeavour has a good knowledge of the needs of children and young people who have experienced adversity and of the strategies and resources that are available to meet such needs.

Awareness of how to support children and young people's emotional needs and development is key in promoting better learning and mental/physical health outcomes for all learners so they can heal, thrive, play and learn.

Find out more at Attachment and Trauma Sensitive Schools Award's website

What we are working on at Endeavour

The Silver level builds on our Bronze achievements which involved:

  • looking at our current practice and offering staff training so that we can develop our understanding of our children and young people's needs in relation to early trauma.
  • providing opportunities for professional discussion about current and new strategies.
  • re-enforcing Endeavour's commitment to providing a culture of compassion and nurture which we believe are pivotal in supporting students to be in a state of 'learning readiness'.
  • demonstrating Endeavour's commitment to embracing inclusion by removing barriers to learning and participation in all aspects of school  life.