Free Visual Supports
Free visual supports are available on the website
We use visual supports widely at Endeavour Academy. Visuals help the young people to focus on the options available, and often allows students to make an active choice about something they want to do.
We also use visuals to increase in the words students use to make a request - so rather than just pointing to the item they want, students can be shown how to use two part sentences, such as "I want milkshake", or comment "yummy burger".
Adults supporting students are encouraged to talk using the board too - pointing to the symbols as you speak, or showing them 'what's next' by pointing at the symbol, for example "duck pond".
Two communication boards are available in the 'resources for families' section, one for McDonalds, and one that works for a trip to Cuttleslow Park.
Keep an eye out for more free resources that we will add over the next few months!