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Endeavour Academy

MacIntyre Academies


We understand that choosing a suitable school for your child can be a daunting process. At Endeavour Academy we encourage parents and carers to visit us so you can see if the school would be a suitable place for your child.

This will help you to see what we do, ask any questions about the process and enable you to make an informed choice.

As we are funded by local authorities we cannot consider a child or young person for a place unless we have received consultation papers from their local authority.

It is therefore really important that parents liaise with their SEN case officer before requesting a place at Endeavour Academy, or letting them know they have interest in their child attending the school.

Once parents and carers have liaised with their SEN department and they have agreed to fund a place the following steps are taken (see full Admission policy for more detail).

Our Admissions process is as follows: 

  1. The Local Authority will send a copy of the pupil’s papers to the academy for consideration
  2. If the Principal agrees that the academy can meet the needs of your child based on the papers, the academy will arrange an assessment visit
  3. The Principal, member of  Senior Leadership Team, Family Footing Facilitator or/and member of the Therapy team will arrange to visit and observe the young person in their present setting and talk to any relevant professionals about their needs
  4. If the internal admission panel feels we can still meet those needs, they will inform the relevant SEN department and admission is arranged
  5. If the admission panel, decide we cannot meet the child/young person’s needs the local authority is advised of the reasons for this decision in a form that can be shared with parents
  6. The local authority will arrange transport in accordance with its own Home to School Transport policy
  7. If the academy is full, it cannot offer a place of as this would compromise the safe and effective education of the pupils already on roll. This would be discussed with the Local Authority.